Sunday, August 1, 2021

Virtual Slang that Bridges Generation Gap



The world is becoming almost totally virtual especially this very challenging times,   and lot of things change and evolve even the way we communicate  that we find so difficult to understand  but not for the   younger generation. As the language evolve, sometimes it creates misunderstanding that lead only to generation gap but also we find it difficult to grasp the language of the future.  So, for us to catch the slangs used in the virtual world, I am sharing the compilation of slang that we usually encounter but do not understand. To address the generation gap in communication and for us to grasp , enjoy learning the virtual language of today.


1. AMA: Ask Me Anything

2. Bae: Babe / Before Anyone Else

3. DAE: Does Anyone Else?

4. Dafuq: (What) the F***?

5. DM: Direct Message


6. ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

7. FML: F*** My Life

8. FTFY: Fixed That For You

9. Facepalm: "You Can't Be That Dumb"

10. Headdesk: Supreme Frustration


11. HIFW: How I Feel/Felt When

12. ICYMI: In Case You Missed It

13. IDGAF: I Don't Give A F***

14. IMO / IMHO: In My Opinion / In My Humble Opinion

15. IRL: In Real Life


16. JSYK: Just So You Know

17. Lulz: Laughs ("Just for Laughs")

18. MFW: My Face When | MRW: My Reaction When

19. MIRL: Me In Real Life

20. NSFW: Not Safe For Work


21. NSFL: Not Safe For Life

22. PAW: Parents Are Watching

23. QFT: Quoted For Truth

24. SMH: Shakes/Shaking My Head

25. Squad Goals: The Friends/Group You Want


26. TBT: Throwback Thursday

27. TIL: Today I Learned

28. TL;DR: Too Long; Didn't Read

29. YMMV: Your Mileage May Vary

30. YOLO: You Only Live Once